A splendid club, Wee Class

by 3기김세영기자 posted Oct 23, 2016 Views 19745


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Extra Form
취재지역 137-857 서울 서초구 서운로 115 (서초동, 서운중학교)

Today I would like to introduce a charming club in Seoun Middle school called 'Wee Class'. 'Wee' is a compound word of we+education and we+emotion. Wee Class is a student counseling center. After getting educated, members of Wee Class counsel students who are struggling with problems in school and give them supportive advice. A lot of programs are practiced by Wee Class. For instance, the 'Loving life campaign' was conducted by the members of Wee Class. In the morning, Wee class members greeted Seoun Middle school students holding a sign. The sign included heartwarming sayings about the value of life and the attitude students should have throughout their school life. Also, the 'Choco-Pie program' was practiced by Wee Class. Wee class gave Choco Pies to the students who wrote an apology letter to their friends. Through this program, a lot of students wrote sincere letters apologizing and thanking their buddies. There are about 751 Wee Classes in Seoul. Wee Class should be further known to students, and more students should participate in this club as a Wee Class member.

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[이미지 촬영=대한민국청소년기자단 3기 김세영기자, ⓒ대한민국청소년기자단]

[대한민국청소년기자단 국제부=3기 김세영 기자]

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